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The Heart Of It

You can buy an actual, real CD direct from me! I’ve lovingly put together a beautiful package, 15 heart wrenching tracks and a 20 page booklet to boot. I wanted to create something just that little bit extra special to celebrate what feels like a really important moment in my career.

Of course you can stream or download it from all the usual places, but if you actually buy one of these CD’s, you not only get to enjoy all of this gorgeousness but you get to sleep soundly in your beds, safe in the knowledge that you’ve directly supported an actual live artist! `Me!

And don’t let me stop you at just one! Buy a few and you’ll get a massive discount – you can sort out all your Christmas presents in one blow and help us spread the love.

The Heart Of It really does have all of my heart in it. I am incredibly proud of it and I really hope you will enjoy listening to it. Thanks for supporting me along the way  – it has meant so much to me. Much love and, as ever, stay safe,

Liza xx

1 CD £15.00

3 CD’s @ £10 each – £30

All inclusive of worldwide postage & packing!